Hi Mike: I was checking out your post about Mark Hughes and his birthday buck. Mark is a good friend of mine, and he scored this deer that I killed with my bow on November 4, 2006, also in Indiana.
As I was reading thru your site I realized you are on a quest for a drop-tine buck of your own. So I thought I would share this picture with you.
I never dreamt that I would ever see a drop tine in the woods, let alone harvest one with a split drop. But I did. My deer netted 213 6/8; according to Indiana Game and Fish Magazine it is first in archery in the Hoosier record-buck program. I believe it ranks #2 overall in the state for archery.
Regardless of where it ranks, I was able to share the experience with a good friend of mine, Brad Shepherd (right in the picture). He’s the guy who introduced me to hunting. Pretty ironic that I was with him when I shot this buck, but I wouldn't have wanted it any other way.
Good luck, Mike, hope you get that drop-tine you are after. If I remember correctly, you were very close to a shot at a big drop tine in Iowa on your TV show. The shot was a little too far, and you chose to take a nice 10-pointer. Maybe this fall. Thanks, Chris Robbins
Chris, great email and fantastic buck, thanks for letting me post him.
I am seeing them all-—double-drops, drop clubs and now Chris’ split drop--love it! What’s next? In this great IN buck’s honor, I am starting a new category on the blog, “Drop-Tine Bucks.” We will assemble and enjoy all the drops I get in one place. Please send more…it will only make it sweeter when I finally get him.